Friday, May 2, 2014

Three Beasts [part two] - The Rise of Blasphemy ...

In a war between good and evil, there was to be a three pronged attack by the enemy of souls.  First there was to be a direct assault on heaven itself.  Next would be an attempt to control the conscience of men and kill any that would not comply.  Finally the plan would be to control commerce, and simply starve or kill those who would not comply.  Control is the name of the enemy’s battle plan.  Control has always been his mantra.  Death has always been his tool to achieve compliance.  To avoid his penalty all one need do is make a gesture of humility to his supremacy.  It has always been thus.  In the wilderness after Christ had gone without food or water for 40 days, after he was emaciated and nearly dead from His human frailty, it was in His worst condition that the evil one would come to Him with 3 temptations.  Turning stones into bread, or throwing Himself from a high point would have been for Him to “prove” His divinity by using His power, but for Himself not others.  The first 2 tests were ones of identity.  Prove who you are.  Scripture was cited as justification for these taunts, as a reason to do what was suggested.  The first two temptations would have had the Creator deny who He was, through a misuse of power upon Himself.  The third temptation was the last one, and the last one to come upon us all.  A simple gesture of humility to the authority of Satan who rules this world; for Christ he promised to transfer ownership without the hard path of choosing to die.  For us, he promises to allow us to retain our lives and live any way we wish, once we publicly acknowledge “who” is in charge.  Though it begs the question … of what value is the promise of a liar?
A challenge to our identity; a challenge to “who” we acknowledge as our leader publicly, this is the game plan of the enemy of souls at the end of all things.  John begins to reveal his battle plans in chapter 12 of his book of Revelations as the first of three beasts is revealed.  The first to emerge is the dragon.  The dragon is Satan himself.  In our previous study we learn the dragon persecutes the woman for a period of 1260 years.  The dragon and his angels make an all-out assault on heaven itself, a war that occurs in heaven, where he is defeated by Michael and his angels and cast out, no more to be in heaven accusing the brethren before God both day and night.  The sanctuary is cleansed from the stench of his accusations.  Our salvation arrives through the strength of the blood of the Lamb.  The first assault on heaven itself has failed.  The first beast has not been successful.  He will need allies.  He will need help.  He has only one species upon which he can use his corrupting influence, the species of men.  So the dragon must raise up allies in his war, and so begins John’s revelations in chapter 13 of his book.  He outlines the battle plan of the enemy, the three beasts intended to bring victory to the cause of the enemy of souls.
John begins in verse one … “And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. [verse 2] And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.”  In round one, the dragon has only recently been defeated and cast out of heaven with his entire evil angelic army for a second and final time.  Round two now begins.  John watches a new beast arise from the sea, from the vast amount of people in the earth.  The characteristics of this beast are nearly identical to the characteristic of the dragon himself.  The dragon had seven heads, so does this one.  The dragon had ten horns, so does this one.  The dragon only had seven crowns, but this beast has ten.  Then come the other differences, whereas the dragon is the top of the food chain in the animal kingdom, this beast is composed of elements to make him as fierce as possible.  However he is unable to be simply another dragon.  The dragon himself reserves the right to remain at the top of his kingdom.  So this beast is built like a leopard for stealth and speed, with feet of a bear that carry claws that can climb and tear away enemies.  He has the mouth of a lion, both to speak and to consume any who defy him.
But the last characteristics of this beast are the most telling of the plans of the enemy.  The dragon “gave him his power”.  The power of this beast is a gift, not of God, but of the dragon.  The dragon also gives him “his seat”, or his throne, or the location from which his kingdom will emerge.  Lastly the dragon gives him “great authority”.  This beast will not simply be a king of a single kingdom.  If he were, he might simply be just a bear, or a leopard, or a lion.  Instead this beast has parts of many types of animals all composed into one.  His authority will not simply be over one group or type of people, but instead will be great, and will span many groups or types of people.  His seat will be recognized by many peoples and kingdoms not just one.  His authority will span borders.  And all of these characteristics have their origin from the dragon himself.  It is the dragon who establishes this beast.  This beast is a tool, an ally of the dragon – he is NOT the creation of our God.  Of course, when Satan approached Christ with his temptations, he did not reveal himself as who he was – choosing rather to appear as an angel of light.  When Satan comes to us, he does so in disguise.  If our choice was laid out before us clearly between good and evil, we might just choose good.  This is not an outcome he will allow.  Therefore he presents us with choices that look nearly the same – the best of two evils, or six to one / half dozen to the other.  Many paths to God, all we need do is to choose one.  You get the idea.  The real choice between good and evil is obfuscated by intent so we are unable to pick the right one.
John continues to detail the plans of the enemy in verse 3 … “And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.”  John chronicles the history of this new beast, keeping in mind it had seven heads, one of them is wounded to death.  One head is removed, but six remain.  If one was to truly attempt to kill this beast, all of its heads might need to be removed, its entire power structure might need to be taken down.  But to only kill one leader when others remain in place, does not achieve the desired effect.  The deadly wound was healed, and “ALL the world” wondered after the beast.  The power and authority of this beast is again cited as universal, not simply limited to one kingdom or region or empire.  The characteristics that identify to us a corrupt system of power and authority begin to emerge.
John continues in verse 4 … “And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?”  At last, the dragon reaps the rewards of his intentions since he became who he is.  Those who follow the beast find themselves worshipping the dragon behind the beast.  Through the worship of the new beast, they by default are worshipping the old dragon; for this beast is the creation of the dragon, and this beast was “given” his power by the dragon.  His power is so great it causes men to exclaim “Who is like unto the beast?”  and again on a similar theme express “Who is able to make war with him!”.  This is the gesture of humility the dragon has always sought.  This is the acknowledgement of “who” is in charge he has always fought for.  It comes from men, as they witness the power of the beast and the authority he has been given.  Despite receiving a deadly wound, he is healed.  And it is after his healing that there is universal recognition and amazement at his authority across the earth.  Indeed it might be easy to wage war against a single kingdom, but how does one wage war with an enemy that is already within your borders, as well as the borders of all your neighbors?
John continues in verse 5 … “And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months.”  The identity of this beast is coming into view ever clearer.  The element of time is added to this revelation in the form of 42 months, or 3.5 years, or 1260 days, or time – times – and half a time.  This beast has its hay-day, it has its primary power during the same period when the dragon pursues the woman into the wilderness.  A mouth is given to speak “great things”.  Proclamations from this beast emerge, and carry weight across the entire world.  What this beast says cannot easily be ignored.  Its sayings are carried across borders and affect people in all nations.  What any given king may proclaim has effect within their own borders, but outside of them, has little impact.  Not so with this beast, the great things he speaks are carried into kingdoms across the earth.  But with the proclamations come blasphemies.  Blasphemy is when one assumes the authority that only belongs to God.  Satan blasphemes when he looks for worship that only belongs to God.  He blasphemes when he demands our worship.  So this beast acts the same way.  This beast looks for our worship to go to him, instead of to God.  This beast proclaims himself worthy of worship that only belongs to God.  This beast proclaims his authority is equal to that of God, and in so doing proclaims blasphemy to the world.  When taken together with the time element of the dark ages, only one power fits the characteristics of this beast.
John continues in verse 6 … “And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven.”  The blasphemy or claims of equivalency with God are targeted at His name, and His tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven.  To require men to divert their worship from the only God who is heaven, to those who walk this earth blasphemes the name of God.  To require men to prostrate themselves in “holy” sites built upon the earth, and pay homage to buildings dedicated to the worship of the beast blasphemes the true tabernacle that is built in heaven alone.  To require men to pay homage to likenesses of saints, or angels, or even of Christ is to blaspheme those that dwell in heaven.  We are not to worship our fellow saints, or angels, but Christ alone – not in the form of stone, wood or canvas, but in spirit and in truth.  To divert worship away from God and on to the beast is the blasphemy this beast undertakes.  He could not hope to achieve this feat if it were clearly revealed as to what he was doing.  Instead he must use old tricks.  He must come in the form of an angel of light, in disguise, quoting scripture and misusing the word of God to affect what he desires.  If the choices were made clear, we might choose against his evil, and that outcome is not something he can allow.
John continues in verse 7 … “And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.”  Persecution against the true saints begins.  Persecution that is successful.  He simply kills those who dissent.  They are forced to hide in the wilderness or be killed.  The persecution of the saints, the war against the true followers of God, takes place not in just one land, but in all of them.  The power of this beast extends over “ALL kindreds, tongues, and nations”.  The same time frame in which the dragon pursues the woman or church of God into the wilderness, is the same time frame in which the tool of the dragon makes universal proclamations, blasphemes, and persecutes the true followers of God.  The war against the true followers of Christ is waged across the globe, anywhere there is true worship occurring.
John continues in verse 8 … “And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.”  The results are staggering. All that dwell upon the earth worship this beast under threat of death.  We are forced to deny our identity as belonging to God and worship this false god.  But for the mercy of our Lord, all would be lost.  But for the interference of God, we would LOSE this fight.  It requires a Savior to be saved.  The Lamb who was slain from the foundation of the world, who chose to die for us, even before He created us, has a book of Life.  Those who would choose to follow Jesus Christ alone, and look to Him for salvation as its only source, find their names written in this book of Life.  Our names are not written there without our consent, or our choice, but only as we allow God to place them there.  As we choose to follow Jesus Christ alone, as we assent only to His authority, we become followers of Jesus Christ.  We become part of His true church.  And as such, our names are written in the book of Life.  Martyrs in this world we may be, but servants of the Most High we find ourselves as well.
John continues in verse 9 … “If any man have an ear, let him hear. [verse 10] He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.”  John then offers wisdom regarding the irony of the condition of this beast.  He that leads into captivity will go into captivity.  Those would attempt to compel the conscience of men, find their own conscience has been compelled.  Those would attempt to enslave others into a false system of worship away from the true God, have themselves already been enslaved.  Those who would kill with the sword, must in like manner be killed with the sword.  War gives birth only to more war.  Killing gives birth only to more killing.  This is the fallacy of the government of Satan, it is built upon a foundation of death that leads to only more death.  Death itself becomes the only relief from the pain this existence carries with it.  But the patience and faith of the saints realizes the fallacy of Satan, and will NOT be compelled to join it.  Patience in the face of suffering.  Faith in the face of unbelief and blasphemy.  Those who put their trust in Jesus Christ, find they are saved, not from the pain of this world, or death that is inherent in our current existence.  But those who trust in Jesus Christ to save them, find themselves saved from the evil that lies within us.  We are given a life that begins here, and has no end in the next reality.  The beast can do nothing to alter this course.  For our Savior is truly our savior.
When considering the time frame in which the power of this beast is at its pinnacle, and combined with the characteristics John reveals to us in these texts, the only power that meets these descriptions is the Papal power that emerged during the dark ages.  It is the power and quest for power of this system that causes it to become the beast.  The main goal of the dragon is control.  Those who would use religion to exert power over other men have always been firm members of the dragon’s organization.  They exist is many more faiths than just that of Catholicism.  Islam honors its prophets to the point of killing those who defame them in any way.  Cults are generally founded on the charisma of the leaders and require strict devotion from any who offer themselves to it.  And there is many a Protestant preacher who looks to enrich himself with the offerings of his parishioners with no concern to their spiritual welfare or his own.  When religion is used as a form of control, power is gained, and power is the tool of the dragon.
This is not a condemnation of those who adhered to the Catholic faith during the dark ages.  Nor is it a condemnation of those who believe in the Catholicism of today.  Instead it is a much broader condemnation of any who would seek to compel the conscience of others away from Jesus Christ and on to any other alternative.  Most chilling of all is our tendency to divert worship from God and on to the works of our own hands.  We have no time, or make no time, to serve God or others, instead electing to serve only ourselves or our families.  When we act to exert pressure upon others, to co-opt their morality and force them to adhere to our own, we act as agents of the dragon in this time and in any other.  We blaspheme God by diverting worship away from Him, thinking ourselves as equal in importance to God.  We do this when we believe our salvation is achievable through the power of our own will, our own actions, our own ideas and interpretations of scripture.  Salvation comes from Jesus Christ alone.
The Catholic system of the dark ages sought to alter that premise.  They enacted a series of proclamations that diverted attention away from Jesus Christ, and sought to uplift the Catholic church as equal in the mission of our salvation.  To pay financial remunerations for entrance into paradise, is to make the kingdom of heaven a whore.  To change His day of worship and alter His laws no matter what the motive, is to take the authority that only belongs to God to one’s self.  To worship and give reverence to great works of art, in lieu of serving only our unseen God is to blaspheme those in heaven and break the commandments of God.  To persecute those who do not share our beliefs, and kill those who would dissent, is to take on the character and power of the dragon in his cause.  Love is the ally of God, hate and control are not in His arsenal.  For us to believe we are equal with God, whether by divine proclamation, or by how our lives are lived always serving the man in the mirror, is to blaspheme against God.  We are NOT His equal.  We are NOT worthy of worship or honor in any form.  There is but one who is worthy of worship.  He alone is our Creator.  He alone is able to outline His laws, His precepts, and His scriptures.  To obey is due only to Him, not our fellow man, or ourselves.  We cannot alter His laws, as we cannot alter the definition of what it means to love others.  When we seek to supplant His ideas with our own, we become part of the dragon.  When we submit to Jesus Christ alone, the dragon has no power over us.
But there was to be one more beast and form of attack to come before the end …


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